This service is intended to examine and provide an opinion on the financial statements and fair view of financial statements according to generally accepted accounting standards. The audit report will be useful to management, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
This service is to helps your management fulfill its responsibility for establishing effective and efficient control systems, reporting policies and procedures, and for creating a system of corporate governance. The advisory will cover the followings: Corporate Governance Advisory Internal Audit Advisory & Outsourcing Internal Control & Sarbanes-Oxley Advisory System and Procedures Development
The objective of this service is to verify and/or to examine financial statement of your company by applying agreed-upon procedures of financial statements. This service is performed to ensure that the company’s financial affairs are being run in accordance with proper accounting practice.
When a full auditing services are not required, but there is a need for an assurance on your financial statements, then we can provide you with a review of financial statement service review. The resulting report indicates limited assurance as to the appropriateness of the financial statements. Compilation services are offered to assist your accounting department in the preparation of your…
Other assurance services designed to help you manage your company more effectively. Our complete assurance services include : Preparing prospective financial statements, forecasts and projections Reviewing your organization’s internal controls Assisting you with feasibility studies Providing performance measurement including benchmarking Analyzing your financial statements and providing accounting advice Providing assurance of your compliance with regulatory requirement Developing special reports on…